How do I get a Library Card?




There are two ways to get a Library card, in person at the Library or online on our website.

If you are comfortable filling out a form online, please go to our homepage at . You will see a link to the form at the top right-hand side of the page – ‘Get a Library card’. Click on the link and it will take you straight to the form. Fill this out and click ‘Submit’.

Your application for a Library card will come to the front desk at the Library and a Library card will be allocated to you. A staff member will call you when your card is ready. Please bring a photo ID with you when you collect your Library card.

Please come into the Library in person if you would prefer to. A staff member will help you fill out the form requesting a Library card. You will need to bring your photo ID with you.

With your new Library card, you may borrow books, audiobooks, DVDs, and order items from other Libraries.



How do I renew my Library card?

Present current proof of address, a photo ID and your Library Card in person at the Circulation Desk to renew your Card.


How many items may I take out at one time?


At any time, you may have up to 10 items in circulation on your card.


How do I return an item to the Library?


Items may be returned in the Library at the Circulation Desk, or placed in the outside Book Drop at the top of the ramp.  Book Drop materials are checked in each morning.  There are now no fines for overdue items.

How do I renew an item?



Two renewals per item are allowed unless that item has been reserved by another patron.

Renewals may be made in person or by phone at 610-264-4151 or by accessing your account online.

To renew online please go to our homepage at Click on ‘Our Catalog’. In the top right-hand corner, you will see ‘My Account. Click on this link and then log in to your account. Select an item to be renewed and click on renew. You will be able to do this twice for each item.

Materials may not be renewed by leaving a message on our voicemail.


What if the Public Library of Catasauqua does not have the book, audio book or DVD that I want?



To order a book from another Library go to our homepage at . Click on the link to ‘Our Catalog’. This allows you to search for the title or author you are looking for. The drop-down menus allow you to search in a particular Library or in the Lehigh Carbon Library Cooperative, a group of Libraries that have a mutual agreement to loan books to each other. Some newer books may not be lent out. When you have searched for and found the item click on ‘Place hold’. Check the information, especially the Library where your book is to be delivered and click ‘submit’. Your request will come through to the Circulation desk and the book will be sent to the Library you requested. You will be notified when the item arrives

If you cannot find the item you are looking for online, you may request an item through the Inter-Library Loan System. These items may come from elsewhere in the State and beyond.  Inter-Library Loan items may be requested at the Circulation Desk in the Library or by phone at 610-264-4151.  Infrequently, no library may be willing to loan an item.

Can anyone use a Library computer?

Anyone may use a Library computer.  Generally, computer use is limited to a maximum of 2 hours in a 24 hour period, unless permission is granted for an exception; for example, for test-taking, for completion of a job application, or homework.  Children under the age of 10 must be supervised by a responsible adult (18 or older).

Can I have a test proctored at the Library?

Yes. Contact the Library and speak with the Library Director at 610-264-4151. Certain conditions may apply.

May I donate books or DVDs?

Library accepts donations of hardcover books, no older than 5 years, and DVD’s that have never been stored in an attic or basement (to avoid the possibility of mold). The Library appreciates a list of the DVD’s or books you wish to donate by author, title and publication date. Otherwise you may submit a photo of the spines so that the title and author are visible. Please submit the list or photo to the Library Director, in person or by email at [email protected]