Appropriate Library Behavior
Please Observe The Following:
• The Library is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
• Supervise children at all times.
• Follow library computer policies.
• Use cell phones in designated locations, such as the lobby or outside.
• Engage in activities associated with the use of a public library.
- Destruction or theft of library materials or property
- Use of alcohol or illegal drugs
- Disorderly, disruptive or boisterous conduct
- Threatening, harassing, intimidating or offensive language or behavior
- Food or beverages at computer terminals
- Smoking and use of tobacco products
- Sleeping
- Weapons
- Bathing or shaving in public restrooms
- Solicitation of any type
- Pets or animals, other than authorized service animals
- Loitering: Loitering is defined as behavior that is not purposefully engaged in reading, studying, using library materials or attending library events.
Children in the Library
The Children’s Room was created to provide a welcome environment for all of its users. For the safety and enjoyment of all who use the Library, a responsible adult or caregiver must accompany children in the Children’s Room at all times. While in the Library, parents and caregivers are responsible for the safety and behavior of their children.
Computer Policies
Individuals do not need a Library card to use one of the Library’s public access computers. The Catasauqua Area School District is the Internet provider for the Library. Consequently, the Library’s computers have filtering software installed. Filtering software blocks access to many sites that have been judged to contain material that would be considered inappropriate for children to view. The Library does not disable the filtering software for any reason. Individual computer sessions are not timed per se, but, cumulatively, an individual’s sessions may not total more than two hours in a twenty-four-hour period. In the event that all terminals are in use, and individuals are waiting for computer access, sessions may be time limited.
Personal Considerations
In order to maintain an orderly and pleasant public environment, Library staff are authorized to determine whether a Library patron is not abiding by these or other Public Library of Catasauqua rules and regulations. The Library reserves the right to respond to any and all conduct not expressly set forth herein, but which is considered by Library staff to unreasonably interfere with the use of the Library by other patrons, or which interferes with the performance of Library staff duties. Any patron who violates these rules and regulations may temporarily or permanently be denied the privilege of access to the Public Library of Catasauqua. A patron whose privileges have been denied may have the decision reviewed by the President of the Board of Trustees. Appropriate law enforcement authorities will be notified promptly of any unlawful activity.